Holly's Story
If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is it?
- James 2:15-16
Holly first visited Pader, Uganda in 2013. She felt an immediate connection and a call from God to help the women restart their lives after a 20-year war in Northern Uganda. The women were making beads out of recycled calendar paper they found in town. Holly taught them to improve the quality of their work and added new designs and colors. Holly began traveling to Pader three times a year, bringing home the beautiful treasures she purchased to sell in the U.S. She began working with the women on investing at least a portion of their craft money into sustainable investments, such as livestock and school fees.
In 2017, Holly converted the organization into a 501c3 nonprofit, The Women of Pader Uganda. During that year, Holly began a formal business training program for women. Basic business principles were taught, including how to create and maintain a healthy and sustainable business based on the economic needs of Pader. After six months of training, the nonprofit began making microloans. These are small loan amounts awarded to women who submit a plan for a sustainable business.
More women continue to be trained, loans continue to be made, and small businesses continue to be developed by women in Pader.
Holly’s mission is to raise spiritual and business leaders. She hopes women will know Jesus as their Savior, realize their own value in Jesus, and acknowledge their purpose to fulfill in life. The women in Pader continue to grow in their discipleship, leadership skills, and their personal spiritual walks with the Lord. The beads initially gave them a reason to come together, heal, and generate income; however, so much more fruit has resulted than merely making beads.