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What We Do & How We Do It


Our first mission is to bring the gospel to everyone we encounter in Pader, Uganda.


We buy 'Proclaimers' which read the New Testament to the women in their native tribal language. 

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The bead project teaches women work ethic and allows them to earn a dignified income to support their families and community.

business trainings & micro loans

We provide business trainings to women, teaching them how to build a self-sustaining business that can support their families & communities. We have micro-loan opportunities following the trainings for women with sustainable business plans.


The Mercy Program has 3 components: we provide assistance in rehabilitating families at risk of starvation and/or death from disease, we have alcohol addiction support groups, and a malaria fund which provides testing and treatment for the disease.


All education in Uganda requires tuition; even government schools. We provide scholarships to children and teens who cannot afford school on their own.

New Projects of  2020



The TWOPU Impact Center employs ten women who are working in the data labeling industry. They are trained and equipped to work on micro-tasks that include image and video annotation and data collection & classification for AI business.


Pictured on the left is the first group of ladies that run The Impact Center.

the pig project

The Pig Project is an initiative to teach evangelism and responsibility. Each woman in our program will be given a female pig as a long term asset, which they will care for and breed.  They are instructed to give one of the first litter back to TWOPU and another one to a woman outside the organization, offering an opportunity to share their faith. The ones returned to TWOPU will begin a new 4H program for the Pader Community school.


Pictured on the right is a woman and her pig sty that TWOPU helped train her to make.


We Need Your Support Today!

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